Monthly Board Meetings
Board meetings of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades are held regularly on the third Thursday of each month, with leaders, members and friends of the restaurant industry in attendance. Information of the latest events and happenings of the Federation are shared during the meeting, along with work reports from members of the chairpersons' council. The respective governmental departments also deliver themed lectures targeted at the industry during such meetings, and food cultural exchange events are also routinely held. Streamlined cocktail parties and dinner banquets are also held in the venue after the meetings, ensuring that the participants will have an overall rewarding and delightful experience.
活動日期和時間:2023-07-20 18:00 ~ 2023-07-20 23:00
活動地點:香港旺角希爾頓花園酒店 (香港九龍旺角豉油街2號, 近港鐵A1出口或E1出口)